
Gorgeous Hike

I had forgotten about this nice little bike trail that begins just a couple miles from our home.
We enjoyed a beautiful walk among the Trillium and ferns and eventually found our first cache containing "good-ies." The kids were thrilled to trade a trinket each for a new one from the cache. Also, this was the first one hubby found!

Trillium is a gorgeous spring flower that is plentiful in the wooded areas of Oregon. We saw all different shades today, from pure white to deep purple. I had to keep reminding the kids not to pick them because it is actually illegal in our state to pick them. We have been told it takes seven years for a Trillium to bloom again after it has been picked, if it even survives.

Close to Home

This one was much harder to find than our first, and we didn't find it on our first try. However, on our second attempt of the day, we did finally locate this clever little cache. It's not far from home, and I think it will be one of my favorites just because it was so well camouflaged.

Number One!

We finally did it...we went geocaching this weekend! I didn't think I was a "thrill of the hunt" kind of person, but I guess I am. It was fun searching, but finding each cache was exciting!

We started close to home on an easy hunt that is very close to our home (in fact we have walked to this park before) and found the cache almost immediately. We signed the log, took some pictures, and then headed off to find the next one!

Warning: Spoilers!

On the off chance someone runs across this blog and is looking for fun geocaches to find, I want to warn that some of the pictures are spoilers! I didn't post the names of the caches, but a click on the post title will take you to the cache on Geocaching.com.

Why Another Blog?

This blog is strictly for keeping track of our family's geocache adventures. I figured no one but us would be interested in each of our finds and didn't want to clutter up or other blogs with continual geocaching posts. If I had the time, I'd scrapbook it, but since time is precious commodity these days, this is the fastest, simplest way for me to keep track and journal things!